Discussing US Elections: Engage or Avoid?

The US Presidential elections, still over 7 months away, are already dominating headlines. Within the realm of business, the prospect of discussing politics, particularly the Presidential elections, is tricky and treacherous. As we witness the unfolding events and heightened divisions in the United States, the question arises: should you engage in discussions about US Presidential elections, and if so, how can you do so without offending your business partner?

When researching "how to discuss US Presidential elections"online, you'll encounter numerous tips on navigating such discussions. Drawing from nearly 25 years of living and working in the US, my advice is simple: unless you're an expert backed by substantial experience, it's safest to steer clear of discussing the elections. If drawn into such conversations, it's often wise to refrain from sharing personal opinions and instead, adopt a mindset of curiosity, asking insightful questions.

Why the caution?

Discussing a Presidential candidate, or any political figure for that matter, can be a sensitive and potentially divisive issue. While you have the right to express your opinions, it's important to exercise discretion and professionalism in your communications, particularly in a business context.

Americans hold their freedom and democracy in high regard, a hard-fought legacy. Any criticism or skepticism toward American democracy, no matter how well meant, can be perceived as an affront to their hard-fought principles. “Freedom ain’t free” is an often-heard expression when it comes to American democracy.​

American politics is closely tied to an individual’s identity. Americans are proud to display their political affiliation as proven by the MAGA merchandise, Biden/Harris bumperstickers and many lawnsigns. Unlike in the Netherlands, where political fervor is less overt (have you seen a random stranger wear a VVD t-shirt?) any disagreement on US elections may be interpreted as a personal attack.

Should you find yourself in a conversation about the American elections, consider these strategies:

1. Redirect the Conversation: If uncomfortable with political discussions, don’t try to engage. Instead, steer the conversation toward neutral topics like shared business interests, recent market trends, or innovative strategies.

2. Explain that you are not familiar (enough) with American politics. Also, complimenting American democracy can defuse tension and maintain neutrality.

3. Focus on Common Ground: Seek areas of shared values such as democracy, diversity, and economic prosperity to foster constructive dialogue and collaboration.

Ultimately, the choice to discuss US politics in business interactions is a personal one, influenced by individual values, experience, expertise and comfort levels. By staying informed, remaining neutral, and exercising discretion, you can navigate the intersection of business and politics with professionalism and integrity.

Dutch American Cultural Differences

This is just one example of many differences between the Dutch and American mentalities, communication and doing business. Understanding these differences and how they affect your interactions with Americans is one of the keys to a successful American expansion. Let me help you prepare for your interactions with your American partners and clients, and help you improve Dutch American collaboration. Simply schedule a free 30 minute assessment here.

Hi, I'm Annette, the owner of Dutch American Connection. With over 15 years of experience empowering expats and entrepreneurs to thrive in the US, my mission is clear: to equip Dutch entrepreneurs and Dutch/American teams with the essential tools and insights for successful expansion into the American market. By bridging cultural gaps and leveraging their unique strengths, I guide Dutch companies on how to do business in the USA!


Dutch Entrepreneurs in the Land of American Freedom!


Working with Americans - successfully!